Jonathan's Bio
Jonathan brings to his practice over 30 years of experience in Tai Chi, Holotropic Breathwork, massage therapy and multiple modalities of meditation and mindfulness practices. He has studied and practiced non-dual spirituality, psychology & mysticism with teachers Adyashanti & Moojibaba, and has an avid interest in cognitive neurology through his two Masters degree programs and educational training. In his life coaching practice, he incorporates extensive mindfulness and breathwork exercises, guided meditation, shamanic journey work and key elements of Positive Intelligence and Internal Family Systems. In his spiritual practice, Jonathan enjoys meditatively exploring the connections between quantum entanglement, cosmic consciousness and mysticism.
He holds a Masters Degree in Education and a Masters in Applied Engineering. Jonathan was a high school physics teacher for 25 years and an adjunct professor at Millersville University in Applied Engineering. He graduated from the University of DE in Civil Engineering and served as a U.S. Naval Officer trained in nuclear power plant operations.
In his college years, Jonathan underwent two levels of training in Reiki and studied other forms of martial arts and fencing before diving headlong into his Tai Chi practice in 1989. Then, after six years as a naval officer, Jonathan attended the prestigious Cayce-Reilly School of Massage Therapy in Virginia Beach at the Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.) and became a licensed practitioner in Virginia. Parallel with this program, he trained in Holotropic Breathwork and became certified as a facilitator in Integrated Breath while also teaching Tai Chi. After a career in teaching physics and raising two children in Lancaster, PA, Jonathan more recently graduated from the Lancaster School of Massage and is presently a PA Licensed Massage Therapist.
Currently, as a volunteer, Jonathan works in Restorative Justice Conferencing with at risk youth on juvenile probation through the Lancaster County Court system (Advoz). He is also a certified trained facilitator in non-violent communication and conflict resolution through the Alternatives to Violence Program, AVP.

Spring 2023, Santa Cruz, CA